Monday, May 30, 2016

From My Sisters's lips

Sometimes coming to the book store, inspired me to write. Especially after knowing there is a novel written by Na'ima B Roberts.,"From My Sister's lips".
I didn't buy that book but Alhamdulillah I can find this, so I know little bit...

From My Sisters' Lips- Book Review

'Covered from head to toe, with only her eyes visible, the sight of a Muslim woman on a Western city street rarely fails to provoke a strong reaction. Feelings of shock, horror, repulsion, or even fear, are not uncommon. But have you ever wondered who it is behind the veil, what her life is really like and how her hopes and aspirations differ from yours?'

Assalaamu alaikum all!
I said aaaagggeesss ago that I'd do a book review of a book I was reading called 'From my sisters' lips' by Naima B Robert, so here it is, apologies for taking so long.

"In from my sisters' lips, Na'ima Robert recounts the compelling story of her conversion to Islam and offers first-hand accounts of just some of the extraordinary women she has come to know in recent years- women like herself who have chosen to live as Muslims. What emerges is a vivid and intimate portrait of a sisterhood. As they speak candidly on diverse subjects ranging from marriage to motherhood, stereotypes, submission and self image, we hear the strong, proud voices of those who are seldom heard"- Taken from the blurb (the back cover of the book)

I first heard about this book from my cousin, so I bought a copy and read it for myself. The book is split into 2 parts: 'Finding Islam' and 'Living Islam'. It is a narrative of sister na'ima's story (sort of like an autobiography) and has a few paragraphs within the story of other revert sisters' experiences. Personally I loved this book, it was so interesting to read about how people come to Islam. It lets you view the world through the eyes of a new Muslim.

I loved reading about all the different sisters that contributed to the book, all with different personalities and different backgrounds (not these so called depressed middle aged women that felt like they had something missing in their lives, so they got married to a Muslim man and converted because he told them to, as the media would have you believe) but all these women are strong, some very educated, all with a mind of their own.

As I was born and bought up a Muslim I wouldn't say I was really educated by reading this (it's not really a book to gain knowledge from if you want to learn something about Islam) however, by reading what the sisters had to say about different topics in Islam, from marriage to politics I must say I did begin to realise how different Islamic rules are integrated into ones life (after all Islam is not just a religion it is a way of life). An example of this would have to be on bringing up children, before reading this book I always believed that children shouldn't be locked away from the world (i.e. in terms of watching TV and Islamic schools etc) but after reading this it really opened my eyes to why some parents feel it is necessary to not send their children to a secular school and not let them watch TV. 

The world we live in now moves so fast, children are not being allowed to be children anymore, for instance when I was younger I used to watch a lot of TV (A LOT) I'd sit for hours on end in front of the screen, however, the difference between then and now is the amount of inappropriate things shown on the TV (even during the watershed hours) examples of this would be music videos on kids channels of people like 'Lady GaGa' almost completely naked women prancing around in provocative that I think of it I'd hate to let my 8 year old brother see something like that. From reading this book I understand why sisters like Na'ima would want to home school their children or send them to an Islamic school. I could go on and on about the pro's and con's of Islamic schools over secular schools but I think that would need a completely different post for it's self, but in short I get why people want more control over what their children are exposed to (as hard as it may be) [I mean you can't even walk down the road without seeing something totally inappropriate on a billboard]

This book has changed my views on raising children to 'obeying' ones husband, to the roles of a Muslim man and woman. I read things about the sisters' lives that made me think I'd love to do something like that.

I'd love to write out the whole book here to give examples of all of that, but I think I'll leave that to you to read for yourself.

Here's a snippet that made me laugh though:

'All I can say is my husband looks like they just freed him from the Taliban- he looks like an Afghan, through and through! But he is the gentlest, most loving, wonderful person on the face of this earth, mashaAllah. I wish everybody could have a husband like him...just don't take my one!'- Begum

This book would be particularly good for reverts and non-Muslims as it clears up many misconceptions and helps you to understand Muslim women not by what others have to say, but from what the women them selves have to say. There is a glossary at the back translating some of the Arabic terms commonly used by Muslims to make it easier for people to understand.

This book made me laugh, made me teary, made joyous (yeah, from reading about other people's happiness) there were times where I'd be smiling on the bus whilst reading this book on the way to Uni (I must have looked like a right weirdo) but mostly it made me proud to be a Muslim, part of a wonderful community of women and men alike all with one thing in common, Islam. Loving each other for the sake of Allah (you know that feeling you get when your in congregation with a group of sisters, either praying or even just talking, it's the feeling I get when I do something with the ISoc at Uni and used to get at College, or even at the mosque)

So all in all it was a wonderful read, and I'd definitely recommend it for everyone to read.

I bought this book online, from Amazon I think, but seeing as I've finished reading mine, I'll be more than happy to sell my one (in perfect condition...I like to take care of my books) at a discounted price inshaAllah, the recommended retail price is £8.99 and I'll sell mine for £5 exc p&p, if anyone wants it email me first come first served so if you do want it hurry!

May Allah bless you all with good health and Imaan, please keep me in your du'as, JazakAllahu khairan for reading Wasalaam!!

Read more: iHijabi: From My Sisters' Lips- Book Review

always love this video....hebah Ahmed

Monday, May 23, 2016

Why do British Muslim women wear the niqab

Maryam Teladan Bagi Muslimah

Maryam adalah wanita terbaik sepanjang masa. Wanita terbaik dalam kurun sejarah wanita, dari Hawa hingga kelak yang terakhir, entah siapa. Banyak kaum hawa mencari idola dan suri teladan. Namun mereka tidak tahu siapa kiranya yang pantas diteladani. Yang lain, ada yang punya idola, tapi terkadang hanya latah dan salah langkah. Apakah wanita muslimah tahu tentang Maryam? Tahukah wanita muslimah bahwa Allah telah memujinya sebagai wanita dalam peradaban manusia? Allah ﷻ berifman,
وَإِذْ قَالَتِ الْمَلَائِكَةُ يَا مَرْيَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصْطَفَاكِ وَطَهَّرَكِ وَاصْطَفَاكِ عَلَىٰ نِسَاءِ الْعَالَمِينَ
“Dan (ingatlah) ketika Malaikat (Jibril) berkata: “Hai Maryam, sesungguhnya Allah telah memilih kamu, mensucikan kamu dan melebihkan kamu atas segala wanita di dunia (yang semasa dengan kamu).” (QS. Ali Imran: 42).
Dialah pemuka kaum wanita di surga. Dari Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha, bahwa Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda,
سَيِّدَاتُ نِسَاءِ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ أَرْبَعٌ: مَرْيَمُ بِنْتُ عِمْرَانَ، وَفَاطِمَةُ بِنْتُ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، وَخَدِيجَةُ بِنْتُ خُوَيْلِدٍ، وَآسِيَةُ
“Pemuka wanita ahli surga ada empat: Maryam binti Imran, Fatimah binti Rasulullah ﷺ, Khadijah binti Khuwailid, dan Asiyah.” (HR. Hakim 4853).
Maryam, ayahnya adalah Imran, laki-laki shaleh dari Bani Israil. Ibunya adalah wanita shalehah yang telah menyerahkan putrinya yang masih dalam kandungan untuk berkhdimat kepada Allah.
إِذْ قَالَتِ امْرَأَتُ عِمْرَانَ رَبِّ إِنِّي نَذَرْتُ لَكَ مَا فِي بَطْنِي مُحَرَّرًا فَتَقَبَّلْ مِنِّي ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
(Ingatlah), ketika isteri ´Imran berkata: “Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku menazarkan kepada Engkau anak yang dalam kandunganku menjadi hamba yang saleh dan berkhidmat (di Baitul Maqdis). Karena itu terimalah (nazar) itu dari padaku. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui”. (QS. Ali Imran: 35).
Dan putranya adalah seorang rasul dari kalangan ulul azmi, Isa bin Maryam ﷺ.
Masa Kecilnya
Imran ayah Maryam wafat saat anaknya ini masih dalam kandungan ibunya. Atau ia wafat bersamaan dengan kelahiran putrinya (Fabihudahum Iqtadih oleh Syaikh Utsman al-Khomis, Hal: 442). Ibu Maryam berdoa agar anaknya tidak diganggu oleh setan. Sehingga saat Maryam dilahirkan, setan tidak diperkenankan untuk mengganggunya. Nabi ﷺ bersabda,
مَا مِنْ بَنِي آدَمَ مَوْلُودٌ إِلَّا يَمَسُّهُ الشَّيْطَانُ حِينَ يُولَدُ، فَيَسْتَهِلُّ صَارِخًا مِنْ مَسِّ الشَّيْطَانِ، غَيْرَ مَرْيَمَ وَابْنِهَا » ثُمَّ يَقُولُ أَبُو هُرَيْرَةَ: {وَإِنِّي أُعِيذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ }
“Setiap anak manusia pasti diganggu setan ketika dia dilahirkan, sehingga dia teriak menangis, karena disentuh setan. Kecuali Maryam dan putranya.” (HR. Bukhari 4548 dan Muslim 2366).
Lahirlah Maryam dalam keadaan yatim. Namun karena keberkahan dari keshalehan kedua orang tuanya, banyak ahli ibadah di Baitul Maqdis yang hendak mengasuhnya. Kemudian Rasulullah Zakariya yang menjadi pengasuh Maryam. Karena kedekatan hubungan famili.
Wanita Shalehah Yang Menjauhi Gangguan Laki-Laki
Allah memuji Maryam dengan wanita yang benar. Allah Ta’ala berfirman,
مَا الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ وَأُمُّهُ صِدِّيقَةٌ ۖ
“Al-Masih putera Maryam itu hanyalah seorang Rasul yang sesungguhnya telah berlalu sebelumnya beberapa rasul, dan ibunya seorang yang sangat benar…” (QS. Al-Maidah: 75).
Maryam sangat menjaga kesucian dirinya. Ia tidak sembarangan berdekatan dengan laki-laki yang bukan mahramnya. Ia tidak menggoda laki-laki dan juga menjauhi godaan mereka. Apakah wanita tergoda dengan laki-laki? Ya, karena secara naluri, wanita pun memiliki ketertarikan kepada laki-laki. Dan wanita yang baik adalah yang menjaga diri untuk membuat laki-laki tergoda dan menjaga diri dari godaan laki-laki.
Pernah suatu ketika Jibril datang kepada Maryam. Datang dalam fisik laki-laki yang sempurna. Namun Maryam tetap menjaga dirinya. Allah Ta’ala berfirman,
فَاتَّخَذَتْ مِنْ دُونِهِمْ حِجَابًا فَأَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهَا رُوحَنَا فَتَمَثَّلَ لَهَا بَشَرًا سَوِيًّا. قَالَتْ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِالرَّحْمَٰنِ مِنْكَ إِنْ كُنْتَ تَقِيًّا
“Maka ia mengadakan tabir (yang melindunginya) dari mereka; lalu Kami mengutus ruh Kami (Jibril) kepadanya, maka ia menjelma di hadapannya (dalam bentuk) manusia yang sempurna. Maryam berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku berlindung dari padamu kepada Tuhan Yang Maha pemurah, jika kamu seorang yang bertakwa”. (QS. Maryam: 17-18).
Melihat laki-laki yang sangat sempurna ketampanannya, Maryam tidak terkecoh dengan merendahkan dirinya mencoba menarik perhatian laki-laki tersebut. Ia malah berlindung kepada Allah dan meminta laki-laki tersebut menjauh. Hingga akhirnya Jibril mengatakan,
قَالَ إِنَّمَا أَنَا رَسُولُ رَبِّكِ لِأَهَبَ لَكِ غُلَامًا زَكِيًّا
Ia (jibril) berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku ini hanyalah seorang utusan Tuhanmu, untuk memberimu seorang anak laki-laki yang suci”. (QS. Maryam: 19).
Barulah Maryam tahu bahwa laki-laki tersebut tidak bermaksud menggoda dan mengganggunya. Dan ia juga bisa menjaga diri darinya. Ternyata ia adalah malaikat yang Allah utus untuk menemuinya.
Hendaknya wanita muslimah menjadikan Maryam sebagai salah satu teladannya. Janganlah menjadikan orang-orang yang di bawah beliau sebagai teladan. Apalagi dari kalangan non Islam. Agama kita yang mulia banyak melahirkan sosok-sosok wanita tangguh. Mereka hebat dalam menjalani kehidupan dunia, memiliki cita-cita tinggi di akhirat, dan taat kepada Rabb mereka, Allah ﷻ.
Sudah seharusnya wanita muslimah menjaga diri dari laki-laki. Karena itulah kemuliaan. Jangan tertipu dengan ungkapan bahwa kehebatan wanita itu karena mampu menaklukkan laki-laki dengan rayuan. Parameter wanita muslimah bukanlah Cleopatra yang mampu menaklukkan para pembesar dunia dengan tipu dayanya.
Contohlah Maryam. Terutama di zaman interaksi laki-laki dan perempuan hampir tak ada batas. Maryam yang sudah Allah sebut langsung sebagai wanita yang terpilih, wanita baik-baik, wanita yang disucikan, namun masih enggan berdekatan dengan laki-laki karena takut tergoda. Ia takut kalau berdekatannya dengan laki-laki akan menimbulkan sesuatu yang Allah haramkan.
Lalu bagaimana dengan wanita muslimah sekarang? Wanita muslimah saat ini, bukanlah termasuk yang disucikan oleh Allah. Semestinya lebih pintar menjaga diri mereka. Wahai saudara muslimah, mintalah taufik dan pertolongan kepada Allah. Mintalah kepada-Nya penjagaan. Penjagaan kesucian diri dan kehormatan sebagai seorang muslimah.
Daftar Pustaka:
– al-Khomis, Utsmani bin Muhammad. 2010. Fabihudahum Iqtadih. Kuwait: Dar al-Ilaf.
– Sayyidatu an-Nisa ‘alal Ithlaq:
Oleh Nurfitri Hadi (@nfhadi07)